Make a list of everyone whose been there for you (in kind and consistent ways).
Reconnect with those you’ve lost touch with, including those who live far away- tell them why they are important to you.
Believe you can still find your tribe. They may also be online, authors, mentors, etc.
Eliminate toxic people
Reconsider those who are inconsistent or you’ve grown apart from. Consider having the hard conversation that gives you both a chance to reconnect.
Ask someone to be “sponsor” for situations where you are trying to use mindfulness instead of reacting in habitual ways
Ways to Connect
Be a good friend first before expecting others to be.
Initiate: Plan, coordinate, invite, remind, host an event/holiday
Set the date for next time at the end of each get together so it’s already planned
Online: Cheer-Support-Affirm on someone’s social media page
Check-in: Text/Email
Call: Skype/Zoom/FaceTime
Snail Mail: Write letter/Postcard/Send care package
Home: Potluck/Game Night
Garage Sale/Neighborhood Picnic
Help: a neighbor, a new parent, someone recovering from health issue/aging
Date out: Meal/Comedy club/Festival/Movie/Theme park/Beach
Work: Sit in communal spaces; Invite others out to eat; Bring bagels-donuts-fruit to work
Attend: a loved ones event, sport, chemo/dialysis, important appointment
Ask for Help
Be vulnerable and risk being a burden and ask for help anyway. Also, ask your loved one how full their tank currently is and let them know you’ll understand (and do the same for them) if they need to tell you they can’t this time.