

“And what are the right books?”
“Whatever blows your hair back.”
-Goodwill Hunting  


Esther Perel/ Author & Podcast “Where Should We Begin

Dr. Brene Brown/ Author, Creator of “Dare to Lead” & Podcast “Unlocking Us” & “Dare to Lead

Dr. Harville Hendrix & Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt/ Authors & Creators of “Imago Therapy

You Are the One You’ve Been Waiting For: Applying Internal Family Systems Therapy to Intimate Relationships / Dr. Richard C. Schwartz & Creator of IFS

Dr. John Gottman & Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman/ Authors & Creators of the “Gottman Institute

The Five Love Languages/ Gary Chapman

Dr. Harriet Lerner/ Author

All About Love/ bell hooks

Robert Johnson/ Author

This Is How Your Marriage Ends/ Matthew Fray

Foreverland: On the Divine Tedium of Marriage/ Heather Havrilesky

Wide Open/ Gracie X on Polyamory

Learning About Bodies

Come As You Are/ Dr. Emily Nagoski on Sex

Sex Talks/ Vanessa & Xavier Marin


You Could Make This Place Beautiful/ Maggie Smith

This Story Will Change/ Elizabeth Crane

We Are Too Many/ Hannah Pittard

I Love You, But I Am Leaving You Anyway/ Tracy McMillan

Splinters/ Leslie Jamison

Femininity: that which exists in both sexes

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes/ Author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves

Gloria Steinem/ Author & Social activist

“V” formerly known as Eve Ensler/ Author & Performance Artist

Masculinity: that which exists in both sexes

Dr. Warren Farrell/ Author

Robert Bly/ Author


Melody Beattie/ Author & Codependency expert

Margaret Paul/ Inner-bonding Author


Dr. Bessel van der Kolk/ Author & Trauma expert

Dr. Frank Anderson / Author & Trauma expert

Run Towards the Danger/ Sarah Polley: Honoring your complicated truth in six essays

The Apology/ Author “V” formerly known as Eve Ensler: On incest

Know My Name/ Chanel Miller: On rape

Unbound/ Tarana Burke: Founder of the “Me Too” Movement

The Courage to Heal: A guide for women survivors of child sexual abuse

Trauma Workbooks

The Courage to Heal Workbook: A guide for men and women survivors of child sexual abuse/ Laura Davis

PTSD Workbook/ Mary Beth Williams & Soili Poijula 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook/ Glenn Schiraldi 

Managing Traumatic Stress Through Art/ Cohen, Barnes, & Rankin


The Glass Castle/ Memoir by Jeannette Walls

Mother, Nature/ Memoir by Jedidiah Jenkins

Raising Littles

Carry On, Warrior/ Glennon Doyle

I’ll Show Myself Out/ Jessi Klein

The New One/ Author & Comedian Mike Birbiglia

Good Inside/ Dr. Becky on parenting

Creativity + Founders

Big Magic/ Elizabeth Gilbert

The Artist’s Way/ Julia Cameron

Bird By Bird/ Anne Lamott


Highly Sensitive People

Glennon Doyle/ Author, Creator of “Together Rising” & Podcast “We Can Do Hard Things

Andrea Gibson/ Poet & Author

Megan Falley/ Poet & Author

Rainer Maria Rilke/ Poet & Author of “Letters to a Young Poet”

Jenny Lawson/ Author

Anne Lamott/ Author

R. Eric Thomas/ Author

Christie Tate/ Author

Laura Weedman/ Author & Playwright

Deborah Copaken/ Author & Photographer

Katherine May/Author on Autism

Dr. Elaine Aron/ Author on HSPs

Susan Cain/ Author on Introverts

Food: Hunger + Control

Geneen Roth/ Author

Jenni Schaefer/ Author

Marya Hornbacher/ Author

Karen Koenig/ Author

Alcohol & Drugs

The Recovering/ Leslie Jamison

Kasher in the Rye/ Moshe Kasher

Philosophies on Life

Sam Harris/ Atheist (Ph.D Neuroscience & Stanford degree in Philosophy), Author & Podcast “Waking Up” (meditation app) & “Making Sense” (science & society)

Richard Rhor/ Franciscan monk & Author

Nadia Bolz Weber/ Lutheran minister & Author

Anne Lamott/ Christian Author

Rob Bell/ Christian Author

Alan Watts/ Former Christian priest & Eastern philosopher & Author

Jordan Peterson/ Christian mystic & Clinical psychologist & Author

Quakers/ DIY Christianity: The Religious Society of Friends

Thich Nhat Hanh/ Zen monk & Author of many books including “Being Peace

Suzuki Roshi/ Zen monk & Author

Chogyam Trungpa/ Buddhist monk & Author

Pema Chodron/ Buddhist nun & Author

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche/ Tibetan monk & Author

Dr. Jack Kornfield/ Buddhist monk, Clinical psychologist & Author

Dr. Tara Brach/ Buddhist teacher, Clinical psychologist & Author (Radical Acceptance)

Sharon Salzberg/ Buddhist teacher

Rupert Spira/ Author

Douglas Harding/ On Having No Head

Eckhart Tolle/ Author

Michael Singer/ Founder of Temple of the Universe in Gainesville & Author of “Living Untethered

Tao Te Ching/ Taoist philosophy

Hafiz/ Sufi (Islamic mysticism) & Poet as translated by Daniel Ladinsky

Rumi/ Sufi (Islamic mysticism) & Poet as translated by Coleman Barks

Ordinary People as Mystics & Monks/ Marsha Sintar

Rob Brezsny/ Free Will astrologist & Author

Richard Bach/ Author

Caroline Myss/ Author

Katie Byron/ Author

Gary Zukav & Linda Francis/ Authors

Neale Donald Walsch/ Conversations with God

The Art of Listening

Counseling Therapy Skills/ David G. Martin/ An instrumental & easy to read book on active listening

Dr. Irvin Yalom/ Psychiatrist & Author

Death & Dying

This Bright Hour/ Nina Riggs/ A young mother dying from cancer

Suleika Jaouad/ Author/ A middle-aged woman living with cancer

In Love: A memoir of love and loss/ Amy Bloom/ A wife’s husband’s Alzheimers and his choice for euthanasia

A Matter of Death and Life /Dr. by Irvin D. Yalom & Dr. Marilyn Yalom/ A lifelong couple saying goodbye

Crying in H Mart/ Michelle Zauner/ A daughter’s mother dying from cancer

When Breath Becomes Air/ Paul Kalanithi/ A young neurosurgeon dying from cancer

Being Mortal/ Atul Gawande/ A surgeon’s experience

A Heart That Works/ Rob Delaney/ A father’s two year old dying from a tumor

Hot Young Widows Club + Resources for All Grief/ Created by Nora McInerny, a young widow and author of 3 books on this resource list

The Urgent Life/ Bozoma Saint John/ On the unexpected death of her husband

Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius / Dave Eggers/ On growing up after the death of both of his parents

Grief is for People/ Sloane Crowley/ Grieving the suicide of a dear friend

Kate Bowler/ Author & Podcaster  of “Everything Happens for a Reason

The 36 Hour Day: A family guide to caring for someone with Alzheimers or other Dimentias

Lovely Books & Authors

Little Weirds/ Memoir by Jenny Slate

Circe/ Fiction by Madeline Miller

Wild/ Memoir by Cheryl Strayed

Jack Kerouac